Diet to cleanse the body from parasites

The most common parasites of man are the simplest (amoeba, giardia, Leishmania, Toxoplasma, Trichomonas, Trypanosoma), helminths (ascaris, pinworms, pig and bullish apni, Echinococcus) and ectoparasite (lice, bed bugs, Demodex).

Helminths affected predominantly the colon, the lungs, and some species of — the brain. Pass the path of development in the external environment and in humans rarely the final owner. Food issue and invasive way of infection. The first is a person swallows the eggs of worms with unwashed vegetables, or contaminated food. Invasive way — the penetration of worms through damaged skin and mucosa (Ancylostoma).


Ascariasis is the most common geohelminths. The source of infection is the infected person, most commonly children. Excreted with the feces, the eggs of non-invasive, must develop in the soil at a certain temperature, humidity and in the presence of oxygen. An aggravated assault occurs when the ingestion of already invasive eggs with unwashed fruits, vegetables, dining greens. Mature helminths are parasitic in the small intestine. Products of metabolism of the larvae are potent allergens and cause allergic reactions. The larvae during migration to damage stomach tissue, causing the education of the bleeding.

Toxocariasis is more difficult helminthiasis and continues with a more pronounced allergic symptoms: severe acne, fever, bouts of cough and breathlessness, increase of the liver. It is possible ophthalmic, keratitis, presence of larvae in the vitreous. Such a clinical picture is caused by the migration of larvae in different organs. Who came out of the ova of Toxocara larvae migrate from the intestine (from blood vessels and through the wall of the intestine) in various organs, where it is encapsulated and the cause of the so-called form of the disease with the formation of granulomas. The length of his from months to several years. Disease to cure, but requires persistence and consistency.

Cleansing from parasites folk remedies

Many drug how to get rid of the parasites prefer to treatment folk remedies. It is no secret that some plants have antiparasitic properties. The most common is how to get rid of deworming:

  • Garlic, allicin which has antibacterial, antiparasitic, antimicrobial. It is used as they to combat with ascariasis and giardiasis. 200 ml of milk take a clove of garlic and boil until complete softening. Broth to filter it and make with him an enema at night. For children, it is necessary to take 70-100 ml of broth from the Course of treatment – a week. For the reception inside taking a teaspoon of chopped garlic, 100 ml of milk must be boil for 1-2 minutes, then drain and drink on an empty stomach during the week.
  • Pumpkin seeds, which contain cucurbitina, a crippling parasites. Peeled seeds need to grind in mortar, add 50 ml of water and a little honey or jam, if carried out treatment of children. The obtained mass need to eat on an empty stomach about an hour. Children under 4 years need to give 80 g of seeds, 7 years — up to 100 gg For adult it is necessary to take 500 g of seeds. Over 3 hours of drink magnesia (10-30 g of powder per 100 ml of water, or 1 g per year of a child's life). After 30 minutes it is necessary to give alms to the enema.
  • Wormwood. Dried seeds and inflorescences ground in a mortar and taken according to the scheme: the first day only diet of vegetable origin and a laxative at night. The second and third day: the powder of wormwood taken three times a day to 2 hours before meals for a night laxative. Recommended dosage: children 10-14 years old — 3,5 g, adults — 5 gg Course repeated three times, which is a one-day break.
  • Green walnuts nut to crack — with 4 articles if the pieces of green bark, nuts 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain and drink during the day. Treatment spend a week and complement the intake of laxative drugs.
  • Tansy
  • The flowers of tansy — 1 tbsp of vegetable raw pour 200 ml boiling water, boil 10 minutes and drain. Decoction to enter an enema in the night, the procedure to carry out in the course of the week. The infusion of the flowers of tansy can be taken orally. To a glass of boiled water to charge 3 tablespoons of tansy, lasting 45-60 minutes. Take 1 tbsp 4 times a day before meals.
  • Onion tincture — chopped bulb onions fill the floor-l capacity in half, and to the brim pour in the vodka. Insist 10 days. This recipe is suitable for adults only. Take 1-2 tablespoons twice a day for one week. For the reception of the children of the light bulb is poured 200 ml of boiling water, insist 12 hours and giving the child to a 70 ml once a day, 4 days in a row.

The general methods can be attributed, and treatment of tea "trinity" — three herbs are the most effective on the parasites of man: worms, their eggs, viruses, fungi and various bacteria. Dr. X. Clark recommends the use of:

  • Tincture of the green hulls of walnuts. It will start to apply 2 drops to 100 ml of water, bringing the number up to 2 hr. l. on the water, once a day.
  • Cauliflower cloves in powder, grind in a coffee grinder and take the amount from 1/5 hr. l., increasing up to 1 hr. l.
  • The seeds of wormwood — ripened seeds dried, powdered and taken in powder form (at the reception from 1/2 hr. l., increasing to 1/2 century l. with water).

It is recommended to take all components at the same time. The complexity and inconvenience of this treatment lies in the fact that it must be carried out throughout the year and the few who drives to the end.

There is a variant of the "Russian trinity", containing the powder of the flowers of tansy, wormwood and cloves. A mixture of extracts of three herbs creates unfavorable conditions for the existence of deworming. Single dose powder silverweed is 1 g, wormwood — 0,2-0,3 g, cloves — 0.5 a gg All the components in the strict dosage to one income is needed to mix and lay the capsule for medication for the convenience of the reception and take for the pattern:

  • 1 capsule 30 minutes before meals on the first day;
  • 1 capsule 2 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch on the second day;
  • 1 capsule 3 times a day the third day and the whole week up to the end.

Cleansing from parasites and soda

Soda enema to promote excretion of the adult worming and their larvae. Cleaning the intestines and soda takes place in the home.

  • This method first performs the cleaning of a salt enema: for 2 liters of boiled water to charge 2 of the articles of salt. Water is introduced into a few tricks to avoid the stool, water is necessary to hold in the gut for 5-10 minutes and recover.
  • The second enema is performed immediately after the defecation: 800 ml of water, take 1 tbsp of soda, water is heated, is injected into the gut and hold for 30 minutes.
  • A third 2 l enema is done with the addition of 1 tsp of lemon juice and kept for 10 minutes.

Cleaning in three stages, spending up to 10 times, making a break for one day. After the rectal cleaning take soda the stone inside in the course of the week to a specific pattern. It must be remembered that the use of enema is contraindicated in colitis, so how is it possible exacerbation of these diseases.

No matter what program, when the treatment is used (pharmaceutical drugs, folk medicines or natural food), you'll need to change your eating, which is of great importance in the process of how to get rid of worms.

Vegetables and fruits

Diet to cleanse the body from parasites

Of course, through diet is impossible to get rid of parasites – it is only effective when you use a herbal or drugs. At the time of deworming is necessary to exclude:

  • The consumption of meat, which is difficult to digest and creates soil for putrefactive processes in the intestine and the environment, favorable for the multiplication of parasites.
  • Milk, because it contains the protein casein, which with age, are not digested in the body. It is not digested the same protein serves as a breeding ground for parasites you cannot consume dairy products with sugar — yogurt with toppings, ice cream, milkshakes, sweet curd.
  • All sweets (sugar, honey, candy, pies, jams, jellies, puddings, yeast muffin).
  • Sweet fruits and dried fruits (in particular, if it is available mycosis).
  • Coffee and any alcoholic beverages.
  • Wheat, rye flour, pasta, all kinds of rice, fruit muesli.
  • Exclude foods with dyes and preservatives, sweeteners.
  • Salt. Or as an option to replace its maritime or marine algae.

In the diet included are:

  • Vegetables and fruits, of which a considerable part will have to be consumed in the fresh state. Beets, onions, garlic, zucchini, pumpkin, sprouts (brussels, kohlrabi, cauliflower, white), watercress, spinach, green onions, carrots. When good tolerance, with a focus on the production and legumes vegetables (beans, lentils, peas).
  • Cereals (except wheat and rice).
  • Sea kale, spirulina.
  • Stay hydrated — 2 liters of fluid a day, including green tea (without sugar), cranberry or cranberry morse. Anti-parasitic actions have vegetable juices (beet and mix with the juice of carrots and cabbage).
  • To add to the meal, apple cider vinegar, with good tolerability can drink, its dissolution in water.
  • Dairy products without sugar and food coloring, cottage cheese.
  • Nuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds.
  • Mushrooms (white and fox).
  • Butter or olive (to be consumed without heat treatment).
  • Include in the diet of antiparasitic spices: turmeric, ginger, pepper (all kinds), fresh chilli (if not contraindicated), root and leaves of horseradish, ground cloves, mustard, seeds of milk thistle and flax. The seeds are added to salads, smoothies, oatmeal.

After the execution of anthelmintic program

  • Try to keep a separate food.
  • We prefer natural and "live" diet — uncooked and not frozen.
  • Food should be boiled, steamed or baked, but not fried.
  • Avoid refined foods (white sugar, wheat flour, white rice).
  • Regularly consume fruit juice, compotes and fruit drinks, more likely to use green smoothies.
  • Eat more green with products that have undergone thermal processing.
  • Continue to keep hydrated (1.5-2 liters of fluid).
  • Many species of parasites, they die in the acidic environment, so try all year to consume bilberry, cloudberry, cranberry, cranberries, undiluted juice last is a natural remedy from Trichomonas.
  • Do not allow constipation, eat a lot of vegetables with coarse fiber, cereals, bran and whole grain breads.
  • Limit the intake of alcohol.

Permitted foods

In the program of deworming is necessary to adhere to a vegetarian diet. Soups are preparing for the vegetable broth. You are allowed cabbage soup from sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, vegetable and cereal soups. Filled with their sour cream and include all the spices and herbs. Bread unleavened. Vegetables in fresh and steamed form, must prevail in the diet.

Are allowed vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, stuffed with vegetables, quiche of fruit and cereal, stew, vegetable patties and vegetable caviar with the addition of herbs and spices. You can eat all the cereals (except rice and wheat), do fruit pilaf or risotto with vegetables. Dairy products should be represented by a natural yogurt (preferably homemade, ready for the live cultures) and cottage cheese.

From drinks — a decoction of rose hips, vegetable juice, green tea, decoctions of cranberry, cranberries, fruit drinks made from these berries. After the completion of the program is allowed to eat lean meat and chicken meat 1-2 times a week, other days in the week is worth it to enter into the diet of the fish dishes.

Completely or partially limited products

  • Is not allowed the concentrated broth (fish, mushrooms, meat).
  • Excluded meat dishes, smoked, salted, pickled, fried dishes, fish and meat canned and smoked fish.
  • The table includes restriction of salt and the rejection of sugar and other simple carbohydrates, yeast bread, sweet pastries.
  • Is not allowed the sweet fruits and dried fruits.
  • It is not permissible in the diet of foods with artificial dyes and preservatives.
  • From drinks it is necessary to exclude strong coffee, sweet juices, beer, sweet soda water and alcohol.